In this guide, we will walk you through what you can do and details you can change to your available datasets.
Written By Jose Portillo
Last updated 4 months ago
Managing an available dataset allows you to customize and modify it as needed. You can update its details, grant access to map templates, refresh and remap the dataset, or completely remove it from your Datascape portal.
Dataset Details
The dataset details section allows you to modify the display name of the dataset, making it more readable for you and your team. The name you enter here will be displayed throughout the portal. Additionally, you can add a description to the dataset to explain its contents or intended uses further.
Dataset Map Template Access
Datasets can be enabled for use in specific map templates. This allows you to customize each map template by enabling access to only the datasets relevant to their intended use. By limiting dataset access to the appropriate maps, you can reduce the risk of using datasets incorrectly and keep your compute costs under control.
Only grant dataset access to a map template if you intend to use that specific dataset on the map interface.
Refresh Dataset
If you need to remap your dataset attributes, you can manually refresh the dataset. This will reinitiate the dataset indexing process.